Part 18: Episode XVIII: Valorization
Episode XVIII: Leaving Port.jpg)
Now, where were we...? Ah yes. Countering dark arts with mystical Taoist lightning. Zhuzhen will be played by Christopher Lambert in the Shadow Hearts movie adaptation. He'll then go on to be played by the dad from Dexter in Covenant's follow-up adaptation.

Music: China Ogre
...FUCK!? What jerk hid a nightmare angel where a curse tossing ghost lady was supposed to be hanging out!? I'm calling foul play! But I suppose we must deal with this now. Meet Yamaraja: Wind, the boss of Dark Port Dalian. This fiend comes packing a respectable 900 HP, which is a considerable step up from its Zhaoyang Village cousin.
A more troubling matter is this thing also has an immunity to all physical attacks. Any attempts will just plain miss. Hence why we've shoved the entire party into the back row for this fight. May as well minimalize their damage if they cannot take advantage of the front row attack buff.
Our first order of business is Yuri tapping his Harmonixer power and fusing with Tornado, the Wind elemental Fusion. Guess who has another translation bungling? It turns out Yamaraja: Wind is... an Earth elemental enemy. His original Japanese name was Enma-O: Hiei. Hiei being roughly "flying shadow" which... I mean, I guess if you squinted I see how that could end up localized as "wind." Except for the part where that's a gameplay mechanic element and again, someone should have caught that'd be really damn confusing to the player. Especially since the damn thing looks like it should be a Wind elemental enemy. It's got giant wings as a prominent part of its design for Pete sake!
You could have just left its name Yamaraja: Hiei, Midway. It would have been fine. I've seen Yu Yu Hakusho. It's alright to have a few Japanese names...
Localization gaffes aside, Yuri is going to be our powerhouse for this fight with Tornado's Wind Shear. Hitting Yamaraja: Wind's elemental weakness with this attack will do between 125-150 HP of damage each turn. Yuri can fire off five of these before needing to replenish his MP. So, he'll be on Wind Shear duty the entire fight.
Since Wind Shear had been an attack several enemies had possessed early that Yuri is now borrowing, it's only fair that the Yamaraja can use Raging Tiger Yuri's old Flying Stones trick to start hurling rocks at our party. Turns out having a barrage of rocks tossed at your head HURTS. Especially if they nail Yuri, as he is weak to the Earth element in his Wind owl boy form. Flying Stones will rock him for 60-70 HP of damage. Anyone else still takes around 40-50 HP from a Flying Stones hit, which still ain't nothing to sneeze at.
Since Alice is out of commission for this fight, we're going to have Margarete take over her role as designated healer. It's not because she's a girl or anything. It's just Zhuzhen, being an old-timer, is the slowest party member in the game and we need someone relatively on their toes to be on the ball with healing. Good thing we packed extra Thera Leaves.
Zhuzhen is going to be falling back into the same routine he had during Yamaraja: Earth and just start spamming Ogre Flamedance. It's worth mentioning the adept picked up Scirocco Blast in the interval between leaving the party and rejoining here. That just adds the Fire element to an ally's physical attacks, like Alice and Margarete's similar abilities with their elements.
Ogre Flamedance is much less comparatively effective this go around, doing around 70-80 HP of damage. If Zhuzhen was on healing duty, we'd just have Margarete spamming Grenade in his stead and that would also be doing similar damage output. Again, Yuri is doing most of the heavy lifting here.
While Flying Stones is a nasty attack, the most dangerous ability of Yamaraja: Earth is its physical strikes. Lashing people with its gross tongue and smacking them about with its skeleton arm or, heaven forbid, its gnarly stretchy left arm can do 60-90 HP of damage depending on how many times it decides to hit in a turn.
Last up in Yamaraja: Wind's moveset is Shockwave. It is err... a shockwave of energy. This one only hits for around 35-45 HP of damage. The trouble here is that it hits the entire party. Thankfully, it seems to be non-elemental for some reason as Yuri's Tornado doesn't take any additional damage from the blow. It might be a decent idea to have both Zhuzhen and Margarete take a minute to go on healing duty after a Shockwave.
But not Yuri, though. Yuri is gonna ride that Wind Shear train all the way to victory.
Overall, Yamaraja: Wind isn't too bad if you know it's coming. It can certainly be an early game roadblock if you don't know what you're doing. Like say, never getting around to gaining additional Fusions since the game in no way urges you to do so beyond the tutorial or even directly states what leveling up Soul Level is about unless you dive into the FAQ section of the menu.
I think the first time I played this game, I fought this dude at like Level 9 and only unlocked Raging Tiger Fusion recently and reckoned the Earth elemental guy would definitely be great against a guy named Yamaraja: Wind. Wind is right there in his name! And pfft... I was fine with like the four remaining curative items the game had directly tossed my way by that point...
It did not go well.

Music: Results
For our efforts defeating another Yamaraja, the party receives a decent amount of EXP to Level Up everyone, alongside a nice bonus of Cash. At Level 13, Margarete learns Scout which is this game's equivalent to a Scan ability that shows an enemy's HP, MP, and Elemental affinity. Could have used that a bit earlier... Thankfully, I think that's the only two enemies with deceptive/wrong names. There are more Yamaraja bosses to come. But from here on out, they stop naming them after elements. That's probably for the best...
Also, for defeating the menace of Dalian, we receive another Seal item. This one boosts HP by 3-5 points, making it one of the more worthless Seal items in the game. We'll probably toss that Zhuzhen or Alice's way, as they have the lowest HP currently. Speaking of Alice, let's see if that sorted out the curse...

Music: Sea - Highnoon Fish
The curse seal vanishes in a blinding flash of light.


Sure enough, all random battles are gone and we're free to head back to the Sea Turtle Restaurant undeterred. There we find...
...Alice has made a full recovery from her curse. That was a remarkably inconvenient couple of hours for her. Good thing curses are a cinch to break, eh?

Music: Misfortune - Psycho Temple



Kawashima causally walks into the restaurant.

New Music: Profile



Music: Sweet Pillows
And with that, the party retires for the evening. Weird to think everything from Fengtian till now was just one day.
The next morning...

Music: Sea - Highnoon Fish

...I have no idea what the hell they're trying to say in the above conversation. Outside of a few flubs, like the Yamaraja Bros' mixed up elemental names, I'd say Shadow Hearts has a fairly solid localization. EXCEPT weirdly there are several transition scenes, like this one, where after events there will be a fade out to the next day and the following conversation reads like they just hurriedly tossed the script in an online translator and called it a day. There's a particularly egregious example late game in which everyone acts as though a character died when they... clearly just got teleported away with a villain.
In any case, back to it with a fresh start. For some reason, Meiyuan was watching us sleep. Not much privacy in the old Dalian inn. We don't need his services currently. Instead, let's head downstairs for a minute. Remember that kid diligently keeping us out of the back of his dad's weapon shop?

We can loot this boy's treasure box to obtain the Flare Brooch a Yuri only accessory which reduces Fusion SP consumption by 20%. Additionally, it grants +2 to Physical Attack and Defense as well as Special Attack and Defense. We'll toss that bad boy on Yuri immediately.
It's worth mentioning the Flare Brooch originally appeared in Koudelka. It was obtained by forcefully making an angry little girl ghost get raptured into the afterlife after tossing a bunch of letters from her mom at her feet and shattering the foundation of her hateful worldview. In that game, it was a much more significant boost to stats, but it was also acquired like 75% into the game.
It's a new day in Dalian and folks are out and about again. Everyone has new dialogue but it's all just uninteresting variations of "That's cool the ghost curse is gone, thanks!" Except for one character we want to chat with...

Oh, Christ! Keep this away from any androids! Let's get this over to Sea Mother post-haste. Apparently, she just lives in the Sea Turtle Restaurant...

It is a mystery. One we'll solve momentarily. Now that the curse has been broken, one of the NPCs' states has altered. If we talk to Filthy Samo wandering in the corner of the restaurant like a weird creep, suddenly he'll become...

Turns out Filthy Samo is, in fact, Lottery Member Number 14. Before we leave Dalian, we need to drop a Lottery Ticket and win a prize from him. We're shooting for that Pocket Watch here. It's easy enough to obtain. These early few Lottery Members have easy Judgment Rings.

McNabb? I love that guy! This is an accessory that cancels out all Judgment Ring status effects. It might have its use one day. But probably not. Judgment Ring anomalies are never a major issue in this game. Just an occasional annoyance, really.
Anyway, about that mysterious message Sea Mother gave us from the dead guy's stash. Turns out the answer to the riddle is just walking about three steps (more like two and a half, really) straight out from the Sea Turtle Restaurant.

Naturally, we need to use a Judgment Ring to dislodge this hidden cash cache. Depending on how many of the Hit Areas we successfully nail, our reward is improved. We managed to hit all three though, so we gain an extra 2,000 Cash. Not a bad haul!
Let's head to the docks. Remember that turtle guy? He might have something new now that a new day has arrived...

As Man with Turtle said, we've got a hoe and three chances to dig up something. As with the turtle earlier, there are randomized spots on the field we can investigate. All but one of the hotspots either contain a Thera Leaf or Mana Leaf.
Selecting a spot requires once more to hit targets on a Judgement Ring a surprisingly tight ring at that. Failing any of the targets will result in Yuri getting no prize. But you don't need to worry about that.
Now, I said all, but one, hotspot contained basic curative consumables. There is one key exception The Third Key. I once more got extremely lucky and hit this on my first try. It was in the same exact spot right next to turtle boy as the turtle was earlier. The Third Key essentially lets you take three turns in a row to dish out considerable damage. Which is nice and all. More importantly, this is an extremely rare item. There's exactly one more found mid-game and then they're sold for 30,000 a pop at the end game. As such, this thing sells for a whopping 15,000 Cash. Considering that's around 75% of our current cumulative funds five hours into the game...
That ain't too shabby!
One final note before we leave, the Silent Peddler has appeared in town. He's now offering services in his shop. I've had the Pedometer equipped most of the time so far. There are a few items available, but they're all junk we can obtain elsewhere. What we're going to do is save up for the 8000 steps item, which is a unique thing only available in the Silent Peddler shop. But that's a lot of steps off...
That's about it for Dalian. Let's go talk to

And that concludes Chapter 4 of Shadow Hearts! At least we sorted out that whole ghost troubles. The gang's adventures will continue in Chapter 5: Li LI's Tears! ...Hey! Wait a minute! That doesn't sound like we sorted out the ghost trouble at all!

That's the end of a relatively short chapter. There wasn't much in the way of new monsters, but we definitely introduced several new NPCs along the way...
Did you hear that nice guy on Twitter was secretly a Water Creeper? Fucked up.
Sure, it was a cumbersome, shambling skeletal abomination on land. But toss this sucker into space? It will HAUL ASS like you wouldn't believe!
I heard main character's mother had some real wild adventures in her younger days. Also, that's kind of a spoiler given what a jobber Dehuai seems to be... But the actual revelation of this information just kind of gets mentioned offhand too, so ehh... The series occasionally has a problem with revealing information in status blurbs WAY before it's given in-game. Shadow Hearts: Covenant has one of the first playable character's revelation as a main baddie just sitting in his status screen available seconds after you can first take control in the game and like two hours before that is revealed in the plot.
Puberty was really hard on young lad Hyuga...
Ben, you really need to update your portrait. You can't keep using the one from when you were 25. You're pushing 50 and a ghost now. C'mon, man.
Sea Mother personally added that last part of her blurb herself.
I imagine post-curse she has a Dr. Girlfriend from Venture Bros voice.
Yeah... Yeah, I guess that's one way to put it for the Chin Emperor here...

Video: Yamaraja Earth Battle (You should see this weird, creepy fella in motion.)